Tuesday, September 2, 2008

my days in madhouse..

clearing my mails again and found so many past memories of BHD aka madhouse.

we used to be a happy family..

with many pretty girls and a very nice boss..

we were still super chio even when we become aliens!

sometime we went retro..

spot the differences? same crews. same poses

sometime i feel dull..

sometime colours make a difference..

i love to make stupid faces..

even at work..

AW, if u can remember, these are ur masterpieces for my sweet sweet love!

i forgot which one i choose eventually tho..

Jason's pressie! OMG! i look so kuku then! btw, why "Kelly is a DICK"??!! HAHA

sometime coming to work can be a happy thing..

those days when we were young..

when i started blogging.. Banana did this banner for me! sibey chio! i love*

when i fwd this photo to Jillz.. she says she wana LBS! HAHA

when my Benito came to HPC.. he found his lions!

6 years in SH with 4 years in BHD.. i gained lotsa great pals! thats my greatest profit ever! Overall, without the shitty job scope and irritating customers, my days in BHD had been wonderful and of cos.. colourful too!

3 more days.. time to sign off.

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